Looking for a way to be more earth friendly or simply cut costs on your job site (whether it’s a DIY or your business)? Try replacing or supplementing your towel use with told t-shirts. If you’re anything like us, you have plenty of old t-shirts that really need to go but continue to pile up. Well, here is your chance to clean out your closet AND save a buck or two! Not only cost saving, but helps include a sustainable twist on your project.
It’s usually best to use a thinner t-shirt, though it really depends on what you’re using the shirt for. Wiping the edges of a caulking project? A thicker piece of fabric may hold up better. We really like using the thinner shirts when painting. Paint can get messy so it’s nice to have a t-shirt rag nearby at all times to wipe up any that may drip or get on your hands.
Now, if you fall in love with your new “rags,” and run out of old shirts, you may decide you want to just buy shirts specifically for this. Try the Amazon Basics Brand or the old standby, Fruit of the Loom.